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The loud groans and moans from down the hall spurred her from her sleep. Her eyes started to adjust to the pitch black that was her room. Rubbing her eyes, grabbing her Teddy; whom she had promptly named Mr. WhoDer, and stumbled out of her room. Still half asleep she found the door and opened it to find more darkness.

Using her hand to guide her down the dark hall she began to make her way closer to the loud sounds. She had run up and down this hallway many times before, though she had never gone down the hall while it was this dark. Another loud groan came from down the hall, gripping...
by KagedAngel - Comments: 9 - Views: 965

Our tale takes place not so long ago in a small hut outside of the very home WhoDat lives in. As the moans and cry's of a woman in labor call out as she gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. This unfortunately isn't Ynnek because on the other side of the town at the same time another woman was giving birth to our dastardly little Ynnek. Being born with the bloodline trait of the Phantom Reaper gave him many skills which made him who he is today. Although his life growing up into this person was hard, manly because of the birth deformities including: only having one arm, being born with a tail, having...
by KagedAngel - Comments: 15 - Views: 664

The beginning was fine. It was the perfect picture of a great ninja. Zarato's father could trace his lineage back about 4 generations to Uchiha Sasuke. The sharingan had not appeared in any of Sasuke's offspring except the first. His father had tried many a time to awaken his own sharingan, but it became very clear that he did not have it either. Zarato's mother was very kind, but had no lineage to the Uchiha, so it was merely a name that Zarato carried around, even though he had almost no chance of gaining the sharingan. Zarato's life was immediately immersed in the ninja academy. He would practice...
by Zarato - Comments: 15 - Views: 663

KagedAngel's Henching ®️
Hi there! Do you feel like your life isn't as exciting as it should be? Do you feel unloved, emoish,
or just plan bored?! If so come on in and check out KagedAngel's Henchmen/women inc. We here at KAH feel that it is our duty to create excitement in this life, and we would love to invite you to join us! All you have to do is send in this simple application!

by KagedAngel - Comments: 19 - Views: 710

So i decided lets start having people discuss their nindos in here ^_^ so have at it ppl have fun follow the rules.
by Zazi - Comments: 108 - Views: 2559
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