The loud groans and moans from down the hall spurred her from her sleep. Her eyes started to adjust to the pitch black that was her room. Rubbing her eyes, grabbing her Teddy; whom she had promptly named Mr. WhoDer, and stumbled out of her room. Still half asleep she found the door and opened it to find more darkness.
Using her hand to guide her down the dark hall she began to make her way closer to the loud sounds. She had run up and down this hallway many times before, though she had never gone down the hall while it was this dark. Another loud groan came from down the hall, gripping Mr. WhoDer closely, she made her way further down the hall to her parents bedroom. Trembling at the thought of something bad happening she put her hand on the door, feeling for the handle with which to open it. Cracking the door slowly she saw light, the only light in the house. As the groans kept getting louder she swung open the door to find her parents in a compromising position. Her eyes widened as she saw the bare butt of her father. As her mother screamed out at the surprise Katrina slammed the door behind her and ran back to her room.
The experience of walking in on her parents scared her for life all the while molding her into the young lady she is today, a fiery red head with a insane outlook on life. Katrina along with Mr.WhoDer went to school like it was any ordinary day after the incident at home, talking to friends and frolicking in the fields outside of the classroom. Although flashes of her dad's buttocks come to mind as she frolics.
Driving her insane she joined another village, hoping to get away from every thing that reminded her of the incident. Growing older and more insane Katrina outreached to fellow shinobi, luring them into false friendships and defeating them with great ease. Growing ever stronger, Katrina sought out to destroy everything that resembled a memory of that night. Door knobs were shattered, candle sticks were snapped in half, Berry Manilow CD's were scratched and microwaved, and even the teddy's had to go. Traveling from Village to village Katrina made child after child sleep alone, with out a teddy, so she may live on with out the pressing memories of 'Manbutt.' Finally returning home she joined an organization that approved of this sort of brutality. Taking membership in KAH Katrina found friends, and another resemlance to the terrifying night.
A fellow by the name of WhoDat, his name was so close to the teddy bear that she had once held ever so closely that fateful night. She had to destroy him, there can be no more memories of such a night. So she plotted an idea, and has begun to put it into play.
Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:52 pm KagedAngel