Our tale takes place not so long ago in a small hut outside of the very home WhoDat lives in. As the moans and cry's of a woman in labor call out as she gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. This unfortunately isn't Ynnek because on the other side of the town at the same time another woman was giving birth to our dastardly little Ynnek. Being born with the bloodline trait of the Phantom Reaper gave him many skills which made him who he is today. Although his life growing up into this person was hard, manly because of the birth deformities including: only having one arm, being born with a tail, having a small scrumdidlyumpsious; so I have heard, and a stick to which he carries around and hits people with.
This stick so called the 'The Ugly Stick' the origins of this name are unannounced to most though many believe it came from kids pointing and laughing at Ynnek calling him ugly.
Ynnek traveled from village to village learning so called 'tricks of the trade' attacking young kittens and kicking babies for village points gaining fame quickly. His stick ever present in battle was used many times. Many users never seen the blunt object coming for Ynnek used his ninja skills to crotch shot them before the battle began, ensuring victory over most.
More to come when I am feeling funny. o.o
Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:46 am ynnek